I hope everyone has recovered from the challenging summer of heatwaves and storms. I know that I’m very much looking forward to autumn and the end of daylight saving!
I thought I would share with you some of the many wonderful websites I have come across while undertaking research for the 6th edition of my textbooks. I’m always looking for resources that are free, high quality, easy to access and easy to use. I’ve chosen an eclectic mix which hopefully will be of use to your team.
Click the icons below to access them.
Inclusion and Anti-bias
These booklets are a great discussion starter for teams who want to reflect on inclusion and anti-bias within their service.
Helping young children to think about race in the early years
This booklet is for early years professionals working with young children aged five and under in an educational or community setting.
(source: Anna Freud)
The tiney guide to becoming an inclusive, anti-racist early educator
A guide to support children to develop openness, empathy and curiosity
(source: Tiney)
Outdoor Learning
naturallearning.org has lots of great ideas for gardening, outdoor play structures to make with children, mud kitchens and lots more. There are a selection of infosheets and leaflets that include what to do, resources and links.
Language Development
If you have concerns about a child’s language development this tool is a good starting point. The checker is not designed to replace a speech pathology assessment, however, you can gauge your concerns by answering several simple questions relating to your knowledge/observations of the child. The site also provides useful videos for parents to support their child’s language.
Language progress checker (6 mths – 11 years)
(source: Speech and Language UK)
Curriculum Resources
The ECE Resource Hub provides information, professional development resources and strategies related to 6 core skills:
- Relate
- Regulate
- Move
- Think
- Think – Math
- Communicate.
You may find it a useful tool when planning learning goals for the children. Professional development resources include podcasts, recorded webinars, videos and readings.
I hope you enjoy exploring, discussing and sharing these resources with your colleagues.
Karen Kearns M.Ed (EC) B.Ed (EC) Grad.Dip.Ed (Spec. Ed.)
CEO, International Child Care College